Report Generator
If you already have an account setup, you can access the report generator here:
If you need to set up an account, please go here:
Customers who buy the MenoCheck AMH kit have access to the MenoCheck report generation web-based application. It has a very simple interface where approved users can type in individual patient details or do a bulk upload of up to 50 separate patient details. Individual reports are generated in pdf format. The bulk upload function batches all the pdfs and puts them into a compressed file allowing for a single file download.
Note that the application does not save any patient data. All information is purged after the pdf is generated.
Sample Reports
Below are three examples of patient reports to demonstrate the differences in the three menopausal status’. The first shows a 48 year old woman with a MenoCheck value of 9 pg/mL indicating that she is post-menopausal and has had her final menstrual period. Another shows a MenoCheck of 23 pg/mL which is peri-menopausal. This status indicates that she is within 5 years to menopause but since it is pretty for that tier, sequential testing would provide a more complete picture in terms of seeing the trajectory of the AMH decline. The last one shows a MenoCheck value of 105 pg/mL indicating that she is pre-menopausal and has more than 5 years remaining until the final menstrual period.